Sophisticated Silk Chest (Supreme Magic Company) (SOLD)


A classical silk cabby for the production, vanish and transformation of silks. The cabby is a wooden rectagular box with a door on each side and a hole at each end. OPen the doors and the audience will have a clear view right through the bxo which can thus be freely show to be empty.

Silk(s) Production

Open the doors of the cabby on both sides to display the its empty interior. Close the doors, poke a wand into the hole on its side and push out a silk or silks.

Silk(s) Vanish

Open the doors showing the inside empty- Close the doors and push a silk into the hole at its side. Say the magic words, open the doors and the silk or silks have vanished.

Silks Transformation

Push a silk into the hole on one side and when it emerges from the other side, it has changed colour.





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